Name- lizzy
Location- Holly, Michigan
(*Your Opinion*)
Best Quality- My best quality is that I am a very understanding person. And I am a good listener. My best physical quality is my legs.
Worst Quality- I am too forgiving. I had this boyfriend a while ago who cheated on me more than 5 times, and I forgave him each time. My worst physical quality is my feet, because one, feet are discusting anyways and two, I'm an athlete so my feet are gross.
Favorite Color- Pink
Favorite Store- American Eagle
(* Essay *)
Your role model or Hero- My role model is my mom. She has been through alot of hard times in her life, but she remains strong through it all.
Promote to 1 other community or LJ and show where give link-
http://www.livejournal.com/users/theyremyheros/50767.html?view=135247#t135247 (*PICS*)
2 or more Pics!
on the right..thats me my boyfriend and his sister
Why should we accept you?- Because I will be active and I love communities.