Friday Night:
* Rain (BOO!)
*Thai food (YAY!)
*Drinks at BJ's (I've decided it's sorta like, Vacaville is to BJ's as Pleasanton is to Applebee's)
*Nerdy talk
*Watching a hella old movie with Ken, and making fun of it as it plays "What happened to the puppy? Does the puppy die? Swear to god I'll punch you if that puppy is dead!"
*Deathcab for Cutie
Saturday Night:
*Not dying on the drive out to Sac in a crazy rainstorm. (In a car with no heater)
*Erin being sick (BOO!)
*Dinner at the Golden Bear with Jenn (YAY!)
*No one could tell us what this new "DJ Larry" was gonna play, so we got nervous and left the Press Club (It was 10pm and he wasn't there yet, sorta a bad sign)
*Goth night at Townhouse. Jenn's better at that sort of dancing than I. The ghetto just comes out of me, and I turn into a booty shaking latin girl. Oh that's what I am.
*Smoke break and we heard good music at the Press Club and walked back over.
*Jenn getting us into the Press Club for free since "We were already here" and us finally announcing our love to the gorgeous lesbian who runs the door. We made her night.
*I'm sorry to have judged you DJ Larry, you are amazing and wonderful and made that night perfect.
*Dancing so hard and not even caring. I busted it out more than ever.
*Running into Adam (That scenester type boy I was going on dates with. Long story short, he's an awesome cool friend and we were uber happy to see each other. YAY for that!)
*Telling some creepers to get off of Jenn and I as she was my girlfriend. "We touch vaginas" didn't scare them off, us kissing and me being super serious "I'm gonna kick your ass leave my woman alone" didnt scare them off.. I think they got bored. hah.
*Sleep over with Jenn!
*Breakfast, coffee and smokes with Jenn... and the dog.
*Picking up Erin to go thrift store shopping.
*Laughing so hard it hurts
*Promising we'd all be Best Friends Forever.
*Finding badass thrift clothes.
*Ken gmail chatting me saying me and my roomies are "The Golden Girls"
*Super extra long hugs
*Ended the night with some "The Walking Dead" and being all warm and fuzzy in my bed.