Jun 24, 2005 12:36
haha wow...i dunno im like in this really random mood to bring back my livejournal (though i dont know how long THAT will last.....i havent updated in like 50 years....surisly! wow so a lot of things are diff....schools over! so happy (cept for stupid summerschool).....and im pretty happy with things lately! dance is going great and everyone there is completely and totally awesome...cept for one or maybe two people...but i love the rest of them to death :) i got new pointe shoes yesterday and im happy about that...ummm dress rehearsals today for a trillion hours so that our show tomorrow will be astounding (big word) teehee... so thats about it for right now
as for the last week or so....liz i love us! taking naps together on the couch :p and you making those "special" brownies haha...
and then this sunday im SOOO excited because me and ally are going to canaan valley, WV until tuesday and its gonna be so great. i love you babe!
(by the way happy three month...again....i havent seen you for a while so ill wish you that in person on our trip!)
and thats basiclaly it for now. i dont really feel like going through all the things that have changed by now because if you are reading this, you prolly already know! basically everybody has a significant other now (out of my friends) and im so happy for you guys, and things are going great lately (oh and i started tap! a little later than everyone else but hey...its cool im picking it up well even though i get confused easily!) and ive been invited to be in elite ballet company and i just auditioned for elite jazz and lyrical..so we'll see how that goes when they tell us the results after the recital!
i hope somebody reads this.....ttyl!
---chrissen :)