I went to Malaysia today, Johore Bahru to be exact. Did some shopping and basically just walking about City Square. I got myself a pair of contact lens FREE (: -pats myself- Couldn't resist the temptation and i got myself a couple of pirated :x vcds -- the haunted mansion, peter pan and love actually because i couldnt wait anymore for the originals to be out. Oh and a couple of pirated PS2 games for my brother.
It sure gave me a scare when the customs police officers took my mom's bag and then start to zip it open and pour out the vcds and games we bought. I stood there rooted to the ground, my heart was beating non-stop. I was so darn afraid that my mom would get caught and get fined or something! Argh. They took my mom's passport and the cds we had. The guy took down some stuff and finally, PHEW. They gave us back our cds and my mom's passport and gave us a warning before letting us off.
My dad's complaining about us buying the pirated stuff now! !@#$%$#@ He was the one who keeps saying all the nonsense and crap about us getting caught when we were buying before that. and it CAME TRUE! agh!
16 days to italy! Hahah thanks charlotte for keeping track and making a count-down! (: Time passes real quick. Well, better go finish up my geography assignment.