(no subject)

Mar 06, 2005 20:46

I'm bored, and I'm stealing this from Krysi.

Name: Manda
Age: 17
Birthdate: jan 6
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Location: iowa
Nickname: manda
Hair Color: black/red/blonde/brown
Eye Color: hazel
Piercings: 6
Tattoos: 0

Freckles: on sholders.. some on face, but I cover them up with makeup, HAR HAR.
Wavy/Straight/Curly Hair: Straight
Hair length: too my sholders
Color of nails: Dark Brown, poo

Do you press down hard when you write? yes
What is on your keychain? keys, silly
School: central
Car: I bum off my boyfriends escape. rah.
Have you ever worked for a resturaunt? yes, NEVER AGAIN.
Do you have a pencil blister? yeah. HAHA
Do you have those little white marks under your nails? I have polish on..
Do you have long/short nails? long
What are you wearing right now? shirt
What time is it? 8:48PM
Date: March 6
Do you have a lucky number? yeah
Do you do drugs? Not anymore
Do you smoke? Yes
Do you drink? sometimes
Do you have a CD burner? yes
Who do you hate? Ashley
Who hates you? lots of people
How many buddies are on your buddy list? 10
How many are online right now? 3
Which ones are you talking to? jen
What did you do yesterday? Went to the mall, took meisha to work, took pictures
What did you do today? gym, southpark mall, nothing
What are you doing tomorrow? school probably, then work..then home
What are you doing this weekend? nothing, i wanna hang out with krysi. :( but shes NEVER HOME. hmm hmm
What did you do last weekend? watched movies
What are you gonna do when this is over? lay down
Are you currently in love? yeah
Have you ever been in love? yeah
Your Crush: brent
First Kiss: mike
First Boyfriend/Girlfriend: mike
Is there anyone that you would date again? mhm
Do you believe in love at first sight? yes

thing you ate: French Fries, from Granite City
thing you drank: Diet Pepsi
thing you said: dog
person you saw: jamie
person who called you: kristan
person you called: dad
person you hugged: brent
person you kissed: brent.
person to ride in your car: brent
car you rode in other than your own: jamie
told you they loved you: brent
movie you watched: garfield
movie you saw in the theatre: hitch
person you gave the finger: my mom
person who gave you the finger: mom
person you missed: mehh.. i dont want to get into this.
show watched on TV: WWE
song heard: some wierd song in jamies car
phone number called: .....
Number of continents I have visited: I dont know
Number of boys I have kissed in my life: lots
Number of boys I have french kissed: 10
Number of girls I have kissed: 3-4?
Number of girls I have french kissed: 3-4?
Number of drugs taken illegally: a couple
Number of people I would classify as "true, could trust with my life" type friends: 2
Number of piercings: didnt i answer this above? 6
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: couple times
Number of scars on my body: iunno
Number of times a person has made me scared of what they could do to me physically: alot of times
Number of things in my past that I regret: one thing...

fucking right.
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