(no subject)

Sep 17, 2006 04:49

Author: Penelope Franco
Title: The Little Sister: The Most Dramatic and Tragic Story of Narcissa Black (Chapter I)
Pairing: None yet, though, start of Sirius/Narcissa, which will come into play in later chapters.
Rating: R
Summery:"There are many stories between the lines", reads the slogan on the Black Family Tree. This is the story of the youngest Black daughter, Narcissa, from her overly dramatic suicide attempts for the sheer aesthetics of it, to her doomed love affair with the family enigma, Sirius Black. A tragic yet darkly humourous illustration of the Black family.
Warnings:Very descriptive self-harm. Eventual Blackcest between Sirius and Narcissa.
Disclaimer:This first chapter is inspired very slightly by The Virgin Suicides.
A/N: This is only the first chapter! Much more to come!

If there was only one thing that was understood about Narcissa Black’s suicide attempts, it was that she never intended to actually kill herself. Her parents blamed her preoccupation with self-inflicted death on her reading of Muggle writers, namely Shakespeare, who they blamed for romanticizing such things. They were not completely wrong, as her first attempt, when she was eleven, was done in the matter of Ophelia, where upon the youngest Black sister placed flowers in her hair, (which she never cut shorter than past the small of her back), wandered outside in her mother’s wedding dress, and plunged herself in the pond in the garden that her father had given her for her tenth birthday. It was her middle sister, Andromeda, who found her floating with her eyes closed, and her arms crossed over her chest, in the fashion of a vampire in his coffin. After all, when one crossed their arms over their chest in such a way, surely it meant that they were dead. Though, her attempt was in vain, as any time she started to sink, she would reflexively paddle her arms, to keep her afloat upon the surface of the water. That did not, however, stop Andromeda from screaming when she saw her little sister floating there, which caused the eldest Black sister, Bellatrix, to go running outside.

“Oh, for the love of Salazar!”, Bellatrix scoffed, “You are far too dramatic, Cissy. Get out of the water this instant!”

That caused Narcissa to open her eyes, and slowly emerge from the water, much like a small sea monster of all white, with the exception of the blood, pink from the water, trailing down the front of the skirt. The blood was enough to cause Bellatrix to panic as well, and certainly did nothing to ease Andromeda’s tears.

“What have you done?” wailed Andromeda, clinging to Bellatrix, who was just standing there like a statue, trying to figure out the severity of what little Narcissa had done to herself.

“I started my womanly bleeding,” replied the child with a complacent stare that made her large, blue eyes seem hollow, “I am the first of my friends. That means I am a pig.” The two older sisters fell silent for a moment, quite unsure of how to respond, Then, in unison, both fell into a fit of relieved laughter.

“See!” cried Narcissa, “I knew there was something wrong with me!”

“Oh, not at all,” responded Andromeda with a warm smile, “We are just glad that you are alright. We thought you had been stabbed in the stomach, or something.”

“At least you have older sisters to teach all about the beauty of the Female Time,” Bellatrix chimed in, ‘When I started, I had to go to Mother with it.”


The second suicide attempt was far more a cause for concern. After all, this time, she took more dramatic measures. From the downstairs, Narcissa could hear yelling from her parents, unlike she had ever heard before. It was yelling of despair, of betrayal. Bellatrix sat, once again, stone silent in the corner, with what seemed like a smirk upon her lips. Andromeda was crying. This was, after all, over Andromeda. Her sister was pregnant. That alone would have been bad enough, given that Andromeda was seventeen and unmarried at the time, but it was made even worse that the father of her unborn child was the Muggle Born, Ted Tonks.

Narcissa knew this meant that Andromeda would be disowned. If such was the case, she would never be able to see her sister again. So, as the fighting went on, the fourteen-year-old slipped into her parents’ bedroom, grabbed the silver letter opener that was incrested with an emerald version of the Black family crest, and dug the tip deeply into the skin on both wrists, being sure to puncture the veins several times over, so that the blood ran down her arms at the force of a small waterfall of crimson over white satin.

“You know,” said Narcissa’s cousin, Sirius, who had somehow just crept up behind her, seeing how she had forgotten to shut the door, “It would be far more effective to kill your parents, rather than killing yourself.” That caused Narcissa to smile weakly through her tears, which she reached her arm up to wipe away, which only resulted in her face being streaked with blood, “And land myself in Azkaban, only to kill myself then? I am best to do it now, when I am to die, anyway.”

Sirius raised an eyebrow at his blonde cousin, “That’s pretty fucked-up.”

“Of course it is.”

Then, without another word, Sirius walked over to Narcissa, and grabbed onto her wrists with his hands, gripping as tight as he could, so that he could attempt to act as her tourniquet.

“Get off of me!” She screamed hysterically, doing her best to push him away, though, seeing how she was already becoming weak due to her loss of blood, she ended-up crumbling into a heap on the floor, dragging Sirius along with her.

“I am trying to get the bleeding to stop! Andi’s going through a hard enough time being kicked-out. The last thing she needs to hear is that her little sister is dead, too!” He attempted the best that he could to not yell, however, it was nearly impossible for him not to raise his voice, given the current situation. He still had a hint of calm in him, which only Gryffindor could possess in the face of such danger.

“How do I make it stop?” Narcissa asked softly, her hysterics now changed to somber and helpless tears.

“I’ll owl Remus Lupin for a spell that can stop it. It’s an urgent owl, he’ll get it, and it will all be taken care of soon. We had to deal with this once when Peter Pettigrew got his hand bitten off by the Giant Squid.”

That caused Narcissa to stare-up at her cousin in confusion, “And dare I ask as to what he was doing to provoke the Giant Squid?”

“Er…some things are better left unsaid,” he smiled wryly, and removed his right hand from around her wrist, “Good. It seems to be calming down some. Well, at least in the sense that it’s no longer gushing.”

“You aren’t going to tell, are you?” The year was 1973, and if one was caught attempting suicide, then they could very easily be locked away.

Sirius shook his head, “No. That’s why I’m owling Remus. That way, we can bind it up, and pretend it never happened,” he sighed, frowning a bit, “But, I’m staying with you tonight. And, I am making sure that there is nothing you can kill yourself with in your disposal. Like letter openers, wands, razors, a picture of Bellatrix…”

'What?" she asked with a laugh, in regard to the comment about a picture of her sister.

“Oh come on, Cissa, staring at her long enough can cause blindess, and even, in some cases death!”

fic-thelittlesister, fic, author-ophelialism, sirius black [6], narcissa (black) malfoy

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