Drabble: What Was Lost and What Remains

Aug 10, 2006 10:35

Title: What Was Lost and What Remains

Characters: Bellatrix Black, Ted Tonks/Andromeda Black

Rating: PG

Warnings:  If you try hard, you can get a little hint of incestuous yearning.

Word Count: 100

Beta Reader: Nzomniac

Author's Notes: This was created for the lj community minorhp100

What Was Lost and What Remains

Bellatrix Black didn’t hate Ted Tonks because he was Muggle-born.

She hated Ted Tonks because when he stole Andromeda, he also stole everything that was good in Bellatrix.  In taking away her sister-the only person Bellatrix had ever loved-he took away her capacity for love, for tenderness, to feel for and care for another human being.

Andromeda was her sister’s heart.  Without her, there was only hatred, anger and passion, ambition and fiery pride.

She didn’t hate Ted Tonks because he was Muggle-born.  She hated Muggles because Ted Tonks, the man who had ruined everything, came from them.

fic, andromeda (black) tonks [7], bellatrix (black) lestrange, author-bitterfig, ted tonks

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