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_touched March 7 2011, 19:13:25 UTC
I think in a lot of ways, for a lot of different reasons S2 BL are sort of my favorite, because they were becoming friends again and really getting to know the other in so many intimate ways that I feel like will bond them together (despite how MS and the show tried to re-write or alter their history) for the rest of their lives in ways that Peyton will never be able to touch.

I really loved Luke for that line, "what are WE gonna do?" And then again in a later episode when Brooke asks him what he would miss about her, he says "I miss you the girl behind the red door." He didn't say it in past tense, he said it in present tense like he was telling her something about himself at that precise moment - that he was missing her every day in his life presently at that point and he wanted her to know that.

I think you're right about S4, to be honest. I mean, in some sense and it always irritated me that they made it seem like Brooke was just a stepping stone for Lucas to walk across on his way to the other side, where Peyton was standing there just waiting for him. Ugh! I hated that Brooke had to end up hurt, where she should have been loved and cared for and cherished.

Aw, thank you so much. :)


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