Apr 30, 2008 00:42
Everybody, I have some wonderful news. I am officially going insane. Do not worry your pretty heads about it though, we all know it's temporary. All I need to do is get my "fix" of whatever it is I'm obsessing about this week (it's not drugs, ok?) and everything will be back to normal and I will stop using my very squeaky very fast voice on the phone (sorry), or in person, (double sorry).
I've done things other than be crazy too. My life is fascinating, but unfortunately, I am unable to write coherently about my daily life for reasons only my closest personal friends (and possibly the guy who overheard us on the subway) know.
Then, I also embarrassed myself in front of the mayor of Toronto. Doesn't mayor remind you of mayo? I love mayo. I also used to love my dignity which now lies, crushed, in some ditch downtown. Or maybe it's hiding from me because it's scared... I don't know.
Also, since I am watching Scrubs, more like marathoning (new word) it, I am becoming more spacey (I want to say spicy), like JD, and more crazy (and possibly more attractive) like Elliot. But I am ok with it because I still smell nice.
I like lemons
stuff nobody understands,
pet peeves,
my obsessions,