june - july '07

Jul 29, 2007 23:45

hot damn, have i been busy.

as of the middle of june, morgan now lives 10 mins away from me rather than 18 hours. it's the best thing ever and so is she.

my contract at st. vincent hospital ended. for about a month leading up to that, i had been feverishly searching for jobs. i found about 5... no joke. i had to turn some people down which is a huge first. i'm currently working 2 jobs, both very much in my field of study and both very involved. right now i'm juggling both jobs, working about 50-60 hours a week combined, while trying to write a huge paper for my internship... and i just got back from a week vacation.

we went to south carolina and stayed on seabrook island, outside of charleston. it was great and much needed. i would post a few of my 300+ pictures on here, but i have no time. maybe later i'll get to that, right after i take a deep breath for the first time in two months.

classes start again in about a month and it's safe to say that THE very LAST thing i want to do right now is take on a full load of college horseshit, let alone pay for it. i'm so done with college in my mind that someone might ACTUALLY have to drag me kicking and screaming back to it.

i switched from pc to mac and even though my credit card is still weeping, it's enjoyable. i still don't get the whole "ZOMG MACS ARE TEH BEST AND PCS ARE TURRRIBLE" thing, but it's nice.

for those of you that have seen me in person, you may or may not have any idea what i'm talking about even still, but i got my mole removed the middle of july. this sentence is really more for me to look back on in a couple of years and be like "oh, it was then... cool". before and after pictures would be nice, but... *looks at the clock* ...can't.

so many huge/scary things are coming up in the not-so-distant future that sometimes i get sick to my stomach just thinking about them. meanwhile, instead of working on stuff i should be, i'm updating my el-jay-lolz...

if the stress doesn't claim my very existence, i'll update again... sometime.
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