those words at best were worse than teenage poetry.

Mar 04, 2004 18:42

well well well..

today was really fucking long. but not too shabby I guess you could say. I sort of got a lot of homework but fuck that shit. I did most of it Melanie and I signed up for the cool voc bus tour thing. and put our names on the list for the cosmotology vocational. it'd be cool if they had one for like investigating crimes or something of the sort..but they didn't. 6th hour streves kicked me out for talking..and as I walked out I saw my brother and was like wtf it was funny. I called his cell phone as I sat and rotted and it was pretty funny cz he was like 10 feet away. Well now I'm really starting to question who to trust, and who I can trust. I really thought Amy was one of my most trustworthy and honest friends. she was one of the very few people I told everything to and relied on her to do the same and especially not to lie. haha well jokes on me. I heard lying was trendy now. C H E C K I T O U T ! ! !
hmm well yeah so..bummer.
It's not even that I was pissed about what she did and what not. it's the fact that, okay it's not my business, but don't fucking lie straight to me. if she didn't want me to know then she could have been just said like oh i don't want to talk about it or something else along those lines..not "no I swear to god" cz that ain't cool man. and she doesn't even have the balls to fess up and come clean with me. well I guess that's her problem because I don't plan on talking to her until she does.
dirty little secrets

What's up people's asses lately? seriously.
the drama is like peeking around the corner is about to bite me and whoever else in the ass.
better watch out for those selfish, inconsiderate, rude, mean, dramaqueens yo.
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