Nov 28, 2005 15:49
Wow, I had an amazing freaking saturday.
I went and saw rent with my mom, that was all good, then I got home @ 5:00 and right then he shows up. omg I was SO nervous. he came in and met my mom, talked a bit then we left quick. He actually picked me up ^-^ then we went to macaroni grill, he actually like made reservations for 6. so cool. which was a really good idea cause it was SO busy. while we were there he had Dr. Pepper -.- and since I am no longer drinking soda (6 days w00t!) I had raspberry tea. Then Kyrie and Ronnie were there too, so we said hi, then as they left they said bye. I deffinently thinkt hey're stalking us cause this is the second freaking time I've seen them while out with him. Then we went to barns and noble to kill time until we went to bedroxx, saw mary and crystal, looked at the most AMAZING pop up story books. omg I want one. then we went to bedroxx and played video games with heidi mae <3 and JP. We got like over 1000 total and heidi and I spent it all on freaking awesome things like braceltets and army men and such. Then we went to walmart and wanted to play some 360 but it was turned off (lame) and then we got some icee's and eventually we went to JP's. Played some mortal combat and then went home.
Then today I got into photo, found out some people had written all over all my photos, well, the fronts of my photos. They wrote stuff like "gay" "thief" "taste the rainbow" and scribbled on them. and on my pic of teddy they wrote "property of crystal" and "crystal's AMAZING lover"
So I erased everything but what they wrote on the pic of teddy. I really don't care if they want to dub teddy, w/e. but then I saw they also wrote next to a stick figure brad had drawn of me. they put "tori= whore with a loose you know what"
I'm pretty sure I know who it was, honestly I don't really care, words are words and their opinion means nothing to me.
But if it's who I think it was, then 2 of them have absolutely no right to call me a whore. Especially if they look at themselves in comparison.
But even so, I'm in the best mood EVER.
I found someone new, and truthfully, and he easily surpasses you.