Man, I took the blogg off of my site for the most part, you can check it out at I am grounded from aim and im hella bored so I guess I'll bring this back :D but dont count on the xanga-like "0mG im g0nn4 s4y wh4t 1 d1d 3v3rY s3c0nd 0f 3v3rY d4y!!" cuz im not ;).
Well valentines day is coming up and shortly after modest mouse is coming. I think Im quite ready for both.
Man the libertines are british..I think that might be 99% of the reason i like them.
who is jesse mcartney? is this paul's son? dude ok bteter not be because jesse is like a disgrace.
lastly, livejournals changed since Ive last posted..which was like 2004.