Leftover: Plastic Tree - CellDOWNLOAD:
Leftover: Lareine - Fierte no Umi to Tomo ni KieyuDOWNLOAD:
Leftover: Yoshiki - Eternal Melody IREQUEST: [1] Miu Sakamoto - Dawn Pink or [2] member-recommended (see below)
UPLOAD LINK: Yousendit preferred, but any type is welcome.
EXTRA/SPECIFICS: For [2], I'm looking for some lesser known stuff outside of the genre of J-Pop/Rock for greater J-music exposure. Specifically, either soft jazz (such as Paris Match) or ambient (semi)-electronica/instrumental (such as Miu Sakamoto, Sugizo). As per the rules (max. 2 requests), if you see this request [2] filled by someone, there is no obligation to upload for me anymore (though it's welcome! ;P). If unsure if I have an album already, feel free to leave a comment asking. Apologies to the mods if this kind of request breaks the rules; I'll delete/edit if you want.
(Also, when choosing Security, should I pick Public, Friends, or Private?)