May 23, 2006 21:26
Today I am extremely bitter but at least my Literature class is amazing? This is only my second semester in college but so far I've enjoyed it(althoughI got the shaft as far as my Sociology teacher). My Film, Radio and TV class was apparently cancelled tonight so I decided to sit in the court yard and just write away in my notebook. I've had so much on my mind these past few days and I feel uneasy. I feel different around Rachel lately and to be honest it's terrifying for me. I guess I could say I just feel different in general. Nonetheless, I wouldn't dare bring anything up about it, I just like to think situations with solve themselves (how unrealistic am I?). It's most likely just "ones of those weeks" but I can't help but think that it's not. I can sense something starting to happen with me but I obvously don't know what or why. I'm withdrawling slowly but surely from generally everything and everyone but as much as I tell myself I mind it, I don't. This isn't giving up, is it?