man, the past 3 days have been phenomenally tiring. an interview per day + TKD testing + perception quiz + night classes over 3 days is not good. Easter officially starts at 10.30am tmr! :D but i'll be busy doing the lab for research methods that is due next week (which some ppl have already finished?!). so that's 1 lab + 1 essay + 1 quiz + 2 commentaries + 2 assignments + 2 group projects (1 almost done) to summer exams. all over the next 2 weeks. BOO, says i.
anyway, i'm suffering from TSD withdrawal after finishing it last weekend. :( can't believe it's been a month already! where am i going to get my KeNi fix from now on?! T____T the ending was okay, but i think overall it was not as tragic/beautifully romantic as they (okay, Kevin) made it out to be. also the storyline didn't flow well at times, & some stuff in the middle happened for no apparent reason. the beginning & end were good though. man, i love DDSS (Bosiko + Natalie)!! they were soooooo hilarious! esp. Bosiko, who is like the funniest person on TV in recent history. i ♥ don dum ding dong! :D anyway, the show is still highly recommended, if you're into simple love stories (& who isn't? haha). but srsly, Xtie & i can think of a million ways to make it better. HIRE US TO WRITE THE SEQUEL PLZ!! :D but for the next KeNi collaboration (& there WILL/MUST be one), i fully support dum!Kevin & evil!Niki. :D not to mention