(click for pictures)
hola. i got back from NYC a few days ago, after a lonnnggggg day of travelling. cab at 6am + 1.5-hour plane + 3-hour wait for the bus + 3-hour bus ride. living in a small city/town sucks. the trip was okay, but now i realize that i was too tired most of the time to enjoy it properly. plus it's really hard to plan to meet up in a totally foreign city. but it was quite an experience. at times it felt like i was living dangerously close to the edge. walking around NYC without a phone, a map or any idea where you're going at 12+am is not something i recommend. but, i survived! i'm super grateful for the random guy who taught me how to get to Union Square the first time i took the subway + random guy who lent me his phone @ NYU + woman who taught me how to get to the ramen restaurant on the last day. i guess sometimes you have to depend on the kindness of strangers. the funniest/scariest story is when i got stuck in the carousel on the subway cos my mega-huge luggage. srsly, i've never felt more like crying in public before. T_T
NYC itself is just...CRAZY. a great place to visit, but i wouldn't want to live there. i'd be in constant paranoia 24/7. still, alot of cool stuff to see and GREAT FOOD for the poor deprived us. we went to NYU, walked down 10+ blocks to Momo's house, ate chicken rice @ chinatown, went KTV @ Flushing, walked up and down Times Square/Central Park, bought souvenirs, had bubble tea, ate gelato + dimsum + ramen, went uptown where the big stores are, huge glass Apple store, Times Square at night, giant ToyRus... good stuff. i actly learnt to navigate the damn subway. sheesh. i thought subways were supposed to make your life easier, not harder. -.-
it was great seeing ppl again, although 2-3 days is definitely not enough time for a reunion. sometimes i really wonder. we'll meet again. in good time. ♥