phew. first week of classes at college are over. well, techinically i only had classes for 4 days, cos i have off on Friday. that is sweeeeet. i can use that day to do laundry/vacuum/empty garbage and other housekeeping stuff. or work, if i ever get a job. sigh. i want a job!! have another interview on Monday for a transcribing job. if i get desperate i may apply to the library or work as a tutor downtown for measely pay. :( but other than that, college pretty much rocks. oh yeahh. i'm actly motivated to study, since i'm surrounded by academia 24/7...or is it just cos this is the first week? hmm. all my classes involve a TON of reading, since i'm not taking math/science. arts all the way! :D
FREN100 intermediate french: UGH. i can't understand anything the teacher is saying, cos he speaks in french 100% of the time. NO ENGLISH! die. we read a weird story in this book which was like a warped version of Little Red Riding Hood, and basically i was like, what the shit is going on?! luckily no one else in class seems to know either. XD
FILM110 film, culture & communication: we get to watch movies every Monday, yaye! this week we watched Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, which scared the crap out of me. O_o i think next week is another thriller too. oh noes! otherwise, the material is pretty interesting. except it's so annoying when ppl purposely use super big words when talking during lectures. i can't like understand what they're saying?? it's like their brains move at super speed and i can't keep up. :(
ENGL112 intro to the study of world literature: are all english teachers made to be boring?! sheesh. we're reading Oedipus Rex by Sophecles, which is actly kind of interesting. reminds me of 10th grade humanities where we sat in a circle and talked abt greek mythology. i'm not sure why i took this course, except for the fact that i felt compelled to take english. hopefully i'll get some good stuff out of it. :)
SOCY122 intro to sociology: my possible minor, if i like it enough. it's so interesting!! plus i like the prof. enough said. although i did miss the first class cos they changed buildings last minute. omgosh i almost had a heart attack when i couldn't find the class and had to walk back to rez knowing i was missing it. T_T
saving the best for last...
PSYC100 principles of psychology: psych is my baby!! i lurve it. i even want to read my textbook. yes, nerd alert, i know. -.- the class is ginormous though. for the first class, i was sitting in the middle alone cos i didn't know anyone, and it felt soooo claustrophobic. like i began to feel like i wasn't even there. scary. O_o we didn't even have lectures yet cos today we filled out a bunch of questionnaires so ppl could use us for psychological research. i totally want to be studied!!!! pick me!! hahahah 5% bonus okay, plus it's interesting. :D
now for some pix...
goodness, one week at Queen's and we're already Queen's snobs!
my roommate, Wendy. our moms are friends so we've known each other for a lonnnnggggg time.
VIKING HAT!! our frosh group picture totally ROCKS! :D
more pix
other stuff:
- we're going to join the taekwando club! hahah yaye. random, i know, but i think it'll be a good outlet for my violent tendencies. and i used to have a blue belt anyway, so why not?
- we're also going to go to pilates/yoga/relaxation classes occasionally. i really wanted to take up pilates, but it's sooo ex and these classes are free. and we like free stuff.
- speaking of free stuff, sidewalk sale on Saturday! :D i'm hoping to pick up a lanyard and that Spongebob message board.
- homecoming football game on Saturday too. time to oil thigh. :D
- uh, let's not forget abt tending to my stack of readings + notes. why is there so much to do in AND out of class?!
it's better at Queen's! it's better at Queen's!
and if you go to Queen's, you'll know that that was a cheer, cos at Queen's
everything is a cheer! everything is a cheer! beer beer beer beer beer beer beer!
that is all.