10 years ago: in P2, first year in SC, getting bullied by Lisa Chong, having Amanda Fay make my mom's bday card for me (XD)
5 years ago: P6, PSLE stress, Chelly and Sam, getting caught in between Meelia and Charmaine, reading huan zhu ge ge under the desk during chinese, cheating on ting xie, saving the grass, AW, jumping for joy over mei wei tian wang, tv obsessions
1 year ago: second year at TAS, pretty awesome despite the insane stress, crazy US history tests, slack AP bio, back when french was fun
Yesterday: i can't even remember. oh wait, it was a super terrorizing day for me. sleepy Monday morning, getting back precalc test (yaye), boring english as usual, 25 minutes for lunch, didn't get to eat spaghetti, useless college essay workshop, asked Mr. B. a bunch of questions related to college, caption-writing in yearbook, 1038232 attempts to message Barbara, went look for Segedy but he went home, so i went home and studied for chem 0:)
5 snacks I enjoy: oreos, pocky sticks, chicken biscuits (!), coconut cookies, chips
5 songs I know all the words to: I'll be There for You, Walk On, Complicated (was singing that in the car today), Qing Tian, most random Jay Chou songs
5 things I would do with 100 million dollars: pay for my freaking college education and for others like me who would love but can't really afford the cost
5 places I would run away to: my grandmother's house, Singapore, Khao Lak, the college center (don't ask), camp place in HK
5 things I would never wear: flowerly stuff, glittery stuff, mini (and i mean mini) skirts, hot pink stuff, neon colors
5 favorite TV shows: Friends duh. Burning Flame, Mei Wei Tian Wang, DIF, [insert random HK serial i've ever obsessed about here]
5 bad habits: procrastinating, being too blunt, laughing too loudly, over-obsessing, watching tv to the point of comatose
5 biggest joys: hanging out with cool ppl, eating good food, sleeping (much needed right now), watching my fave show, having something that you really wanted happen to you
5 favorite toys: mashimaro, cow #1, cow #2, cow #3, cow #4 :D
5 fictional characters I would date: Joey (if he were smarter)! like the main guy character from any tv show i've watched provided he's not butt ugly. oh i would prolly date Rachel too. <3
You are water. You're not really organic; you're
neither acidic nor basic, yet you're an acid
and a base at the same time. You're strong
willed and opinionated, but relaxed and ready
to flow. So while you often seem worthless,
without you, everything would just not work.
People should definitely drink more of you
every day.
Which Biological Molecule Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla omgosh i'm so sleepy it's only 10.19pm on a tuesday night i'm dedddd