The pilot of my plane tonight made so many radical last minute adjustments in preparation for landing that most of us sensed this would not be described later, in any fashion, as 'textbook'. Except possibly in the way a textbook lands after being hurled from an improbable height say into the path of a speeding train. In the resulting moments around our first contact with the ground I felt, rather than heard in the small bones inside my ears the end of the undercarriages suspension travel being abruptly met. The second impact was hardly noticeable, but it may have been that I was distracted by the activity of checking that none of my teeth had been shaken loose. The experience reminded me of cheap airline flights I had taken through eastern europe where it seems the pilots take great enjoyment at finding the least acute final angle of descent they can manage without actually merging the plane with the runway. A large southern woman a row ahead of me was so freaked out she attempted to grab on to her lap belt and only managed to open it - presumably by accident which then allowed her to connect face first with the seat tray as the air brakes were applied. Repeatedly. The rest of us waved from the hips up like seaweed in a tidal pool, but she fared much worse. I felt really sorry for her.
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