I've almost managed to recover from what I thought was the most severe bout of food poisoning I've ever had which completely nailed me on thursday night.
mandellebrotte being the awesome woman that she is has nursemaided me through the past few days as I was able to do almost nothing for myself. And now it seems the fates have decided to punish her for her generosity of spirit by visiting on her the same illness.
Right now she is curled up in bed in a stupid amount of pain unable to drink or eat. Worse, she can't take pain killers for the nausea. As bad as it sounds it seems that she is pulling through better than I did which means that by mid afternoon I should be able to feed her some light food and start properly re-hydrating her. Worse, her masters thesis is due on friday and while she has completed the writing component, she still has to do the editing and tidying work which always seems to take more time than you expect. So she is quietly stressing inwardly which is great on top of everything else.
disease sucks.