Mar 29, 2006 22:07
"I think to be this happy is to be miserable, to feel this much satisfaction is to burn..."
It's spring! There are birds and sunlight and people actually outside enjoying it all. All the frozen dissatisfaction brought on by winter's icy excapades has dwindled and melted away and now there's that sense of perfection that only comes with spring. There's freedom in the wind and happyness everywhere, floating around like a disease. There's also ten tons of ISU work to be done, but it doesn't seem so bad when you know that it's warm enough outside for walking.
It's spring, and it's that much closer to the summer. Give it a couple months and Mondays won't be Mondays anymore, they'll be just another day in a two-month long break. Soon stress won't count because it won't be real and we won't have to do anything but sit around by the pool, or maybe walk to the park, or maybe sit inside an air-conditioned house, or sleep. Stay up all night and sleep all day and I love the summer, it gives me the freedom to turn nocturnal.
Sunlight always seems to make things happier. Scientists say that light brightens moods. I am inclined to agree with them, especially on days like today. I love when it's light out when I wake up and it stays light for a long while after. I love everything about it. I can't wait until it starts to rain...
Today I made jell-o jigglers, and I am very excited to eat them. I think they will bring much adventure. They seem the types.
I have Teddy Grahams! I love them, almost as much as animal crackers. I miss animal crackers. Oh Johnny, with your buffalo, I am so jealous of you.
I can't wait until the S.A.P trip to the zoo. I want to see giraffes! If we do not see giraffes, heads will roll. I will walk up to Mr. Jones and say "You! Bring me to the giraffes!" If he does not I will FORCE him to. Giraffes are cooler than you, you know.
If gravity stopped working;
And the sun burnt out;
And babies stopped crying;
And hips stopped breaking;
And asses stopped shaking;
And single moms made decent wages;
And cancer stopped comming;
And there was no more saddness;
Chris would still dream of getting his bone on with Christine.
Just think about that.
Now, it is time for showering and sleeping.
Goodnight all.