My fellow Floridians...
I am in Corpus Christi, Texas right now... being with the #1 people I love and need in the world... my family. After call backs, I found out that my loving Grandfather, Sotero, died... The next thing I knew I was packing my bags, renting a car, and driving to Texas. It's really my business and I really didn't want this
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Things have jus gotten worse... and I probably won't come to school all this week. I'll probably go back to Jax around Thursday at the earliest. And I'm really worried about how much work I'm going to have to make up. so please tell me what I'm missing,that would be a huge help.I hate leaving Marcelle... my acting partner... and I'm sure most of u r like.. "well, how come u have to be gone so long?" The situation is deeper.. and I don't need to go into detail, but the school and everyone is just going to have to deal. I apologize for any inconvenience, but I'm gonna support my moother with whatever decision she makes on how long she has to stay. U all jus dont understand... *sighs*
Also... I don't know if crews have gone up... but if the list goes up... can u sign me up for props? or wherever...?
Thank u all again... u seriously are the best.
And call backs were good... I believe I was almost picked for Edith, but a senor who hasnt been in ne shows got in... and I am very happy for her. I have two mor years.. so no worries. It's a huge honor ne ways being the only freshmen/sophomore female asked to call backs in the last two years.. so hey man... I'm happy and grateful that the Lord has blessed me with such wonderful blessings. I thank him for my family, life, and my friends.
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