Jun 08, 2006 21:52
Here are my 'How Emo/Chav are you?' Meme/Quiz things:
[x] You own a pair or nike, or any other sporting trainers.
[ ] You own a chav hoody e.g. Nike, Echo etc...
[ ] You hate people who listen to any form of rock music.
[ ] You support Man u
[ ] You've gone to a club before.
[ ] You absolutely despise emos (I don't despise them, they just amuse me)
[x] You say the word brap/blod or any other form of gay word.
[ ] You wear a chavy ring or necklace
[ ] You hang outside Mcdonald's
[ ] Your an absolute batty
Total: 2
[ ] You always wear a hat of the chav nature.
[ ] You've shop lifted before.
[ ] You've got nicked or done for it.
[x] You/'ve smoke(d) anything.
[ ] You get drunk often because you think your cool.
[ ] You think failing your GCSE's is cool.
[ ] You watch MTV base or KISS or any of that bollocks.
[ ] You listen to any of these stations on the radio
[ ] You listen to eminem or snoop dogg.
[ ] You have aids.
Total: 1
[ ] You have myspace but you've chaved it up and made it a joke.
[ ] You shave your eyebrows which looks like a trains just run through them.
[ ] You buy ps2 games like 50 cent bulletproof.
[ ] You think your a gangster.
[ ] YoU WrItE LiKe ThIs.
[ ] You try to beat box but fail in doing so.
[ ] You go fishing a lot but you actually smoke drugs.
[ ] You wear your socks over your trousers.
[ ] All you ever think about is getting laid.
[ ] You get bad grades.
Total: 0
[ ] If you own a car... you've kitted it up.
[ ] You play the music in your car really loud with a lot of bass.
[ ] You bunk lessons often.
[x] You have no job.
[ ] Your chav girlfriend is pregnant with your baby.
[ ] You walk like a gay. You usually tend to bob up and down thinking you cool.
[ ] Your trousers are baggy which make you look obese.
[ ] You cut your hair every 5 seconds because you noticed it grew.
[ ]You attempt to rap but just mumble jumble.
[ ] You shag whatever moves.
Total: 1
[ ] You carry a knife around.
[ ] You carry a bb gun around.
[ ] You want to be a famous rapper/hip hop whatever person.
[ ] You wear the same underwear everyday.
[ ] You buy air force one trainers (moon boots).
[ ] You happy slap people a lot.
[ ] You've failed a few times on your driving test because you didn't realise you were taking the test.
[ ] You think your cool by talking like Gangster
[ ] You always start fights.
[ ] You buy fake clothing because you can't afford the real ones e.g a 'Scott' hoody which is meant to be a 'schott' one.
Total: 0
Overall Total: 4x2= 8% chav
[ ] You hate the world.
[ ]You hate society.
[ ] You think vampires are cool.
[x] You write poetry.
[ ] You have dyed your hair black once.
[ ] You wear black eyeliner.
[x]You write poetry that's not for school.
[ ] You are freakishly obsessed with darkness.
[ ] You think love is a waste of time.
[ ] You've given up on the world.
Total = 1
[ ] You've shopped at Hot Topic.
[ ] You've spent over $100 at Hot Topic.
[ ] You wear more bracelets than a Russian
[ ] You own a dog collar, that's not for your dog
[ ] You're extremely pale
[ ] You are a member of a poetry site.
[ ] Your screen name has been an oxymoron. (ex: cold fire)
[x] you are an aethiest or agnostic
[ ] You don't believe in god. (Isnt that the same as an aethiest?)
[ ] Your screen name has/had X's in it.
Total = 1
[x]You have been referred to as scary.
[ ] You have been referred to as demented.
[x] You have been referred to as weird.
[ ] You have been known to hate teachers.
[ ] You have been known to cause trouble.
[ ] Your hair has been dyed a color that was not natural.
[ ] You have/or had at least one photoshopped picture on myspace.
[ ] You think pictures look better in greyscale or sepia tone
[ ] You have been referred to as evil.
[ ] You are scared of yourself sometimes.
Total = 2
[ ] Suicide has crossed your mind
[ ] you have screamed before
[x] You use big words that no one has ever heard before on occasion.
[x] you've seen The Exorcist.
[ ] You liked The Exorcist.
[ ] You've seen Saw.
[ ] You liked Saw.
[ ] You've done voodoo.
[ ] You hate sports.
[ ] You dress up as the most morbid thing posssible on Halloween.
Total = 2
[ ] Halloween is one of your favorite holidays.
[ ] You have a strange liking of fire.
[ ] You have only a couple of actual friends.
[ ] You're afraid of spiders.
[ ] You have had a conversation about how you want to die.
[ ] You've painted your nails black
[ ] One or more of your myspace pics has/had writing on them.
[ ] You have had the word "...." in your display name.
[x] You love art.
[ ] You like art with negative meanings
Total = 1
Now add up your total and multiply by two.
Repost with your score saying I am *score* % emo
7 x 2 = 14%