Nov 28, 2005 17:54
saturday i worked till 5:15am!yes and who says u dont have to work late when u work at the mall?you would think that is the case, but at ae not so much...i guess they enjoy keeping young people at the mall for ridiculous hours...what is the point of a floorset anywaY?no one notices when a shirt is moved from one section to another or if there is 5 or 3 shirts on a manican!and no one cares!so what is the point?i have no clue...on the bright side it added to my hours for that week, so thats nice, but i do believe they should pay us a little extra for working shifts like that...just a thoughT?
so i'd have to say i have done some pretty fun and exciting things lately that is not included in the usual agenda!
sunday my sister needed someone to fill in for her waterpolo team so she asked if i would like to play. naturally i said yes, since i was at home doing nothing and i just finished baking cookies because i had a craving i decided to do something new and was a good time, the team sucks in skill but has great spirit and thats what counts! the other team was really good so we pretty much had no chance...and for all of you out there who have never had the chance to play waterpolo you should, it's a lot of fun and its good exercise...i had a hard time sitting on the tube properly but i managaed to play sitting differently...the next day i was quite sore but it was all worth it!
monday was another exciting/amazing day, actually i should say night. I went to the pub to go see Bedouin Soundclash and The Junction, great bands and awesome times.We got to stand right in the front next to the 2 very large speakers, which may i add took away part of our hearing!i think im partly deaf, but it was all worth it.we got great seats and awesome pictures!not to mention that after the show we go to hang out with the bands. both bands consist of such humble guys that were just so awesome and fun to hangout with. it was just such a fun-filled night full of surprises!and when 230am came around we decided it was time to go home and both of us had to wake up quite early the next day :( but it was definitely well worth it.i love you guys!!!!
then the rest of the week consisted of the usual work and laziness with a pinch of boyfriend time! i'd say i have a lot of time on my hands usually but it gives me time to do things that i would not normally have time for if i worked too much or was going to would i have my days where all i do is laundry and pamper myself? lol...on another note, christmas is coming!it snowed!and then quickly disappeared, but thats ok safer driving now...but still the snow, the decorations, the music,its that time of year, the time where everyone (well mostly everyone) is happier and spreads it...where a smile is even more contagious than usual, where a little gift goes a long way, where everything is wonderfuL!...i love christmas, i really do...while i was walking from the car into work i saw a little girl holding her mothers hand and she was sticking her tongue out trying to catch the snow in her mouth!lol and i smiled to myself because i used to do the same thing! i love this time a year, it's just so great! sorry to be over-giddy it's just fun is all over!
so yesterday was supposed to be for rockclimbing, but we've decided since it costs so much we need a longer day, so that will be rescheduled!so the change of plans was to laser-tag it up! while we waited for our game we played all the other fun games they have at the fam fun centre, and i'm not going to lie i ACTUALLY won at some games!this is crazy, i never win..anything!it was pretty exciting...then our time was finally up and we went off to play laser tag and my gun name was bubbles!lol cute...anyway we get out to see the scores and get who got first over EVERYONE else? MEEEEEee ya MEEEEEE this is the first time in history people that i have ever gotten first!i usually suck, so i must say what a good day!....then off on a date with the 'happy green plant' followed by the movie Thumbsucker...weird movie, but i enjoyed it and it was nice to only have 4 other people in the theatre, felt like watching a movie at home only with a bigger screen!i guess lakeshore cinemas is not doing that well afterall!anyway....goodtimes i must say...
till next time!
p.s.-a shout out goes to my fun sister.thanks.
p.p.s.- how do you change the font?anyone help?