Dec 23, 2003 19:16
Parents are being assholes, like that's anything new.
Mom swears she said i couldn't go out, even though
Adam heard her say it, and I told Dad to call
Adam and ask him and he says he doesn't believe a
thing Adam says because he always lies. Yea, people
lie sometimes, but not all the time. And here he goes
saying nothing's his fault, it's all my fault. But yet, if I
had a cell phone this wouldn't be half the issue that
it is because I wouldn't BE late, and he would know
where i was and what i was doing, and if he didn't,
he sure as hell could find out by calling me. But no,
"my grades are so bad, so no cell phone, no this, no
that." Yea, some family, got me fucking cutting myself
but yea, they're really trying to help aren't they? Yea,
get straight a's and be that miserable, flat chested,
ugly girl that everyone hated that you always used to
be.. sure why not?! "No, Joelle, you can't have a life
as long as you live with us." I'm so ready to just say
fuck it and slit my fucking throat right now, it's not
like they'd care that I was gone, "good riddance"
that's what they'd say. And now I feel like throwing
up, ooh, bulemia too, along with the cutting, nice
mix, might as well slap a sticker on me that reads
what I feel like, course I always hate things, or
people, and somehow i slowly become them, I
guess that just means I have no self esteem and
I'm trying to hate myself. Either way it doesn't really
matter, Sometimes I just wish it was like a year
ago, looking back, this is much worse than that was,
sure I was tempted to cut, but I never fucking did..
And all you think this is some stupid pathetic way
to get attention, yet it's the farthest from it, I don't
want the attention, I wish it all would just blow
`·.¸ ;¨`·.·´¨;
`·.¸ TiNk