I love him.

Jan 26, 2006 10:35

Ok, sooo.. Today I didnt go to school agian. But I will be going tomorrow, I was getting in a really thinking mood tonight.. And for those of you who dont know, those moods make me cry, and I change my mind about everything And I can never think good about anything. But anyways, I was getting very annoyed.. I wanted to talk to Cole, but he just wouldnt get online.. Then me and Brittany are talking she tells me Johnny is on (P.s. She came over today, and I was talking to him on the phone and he said he was going to ask her out). About 5 min later Cole gets on, and I'm sitting here freaking spazing out in exsitment!! But for some reason I can't IM him lol. Finally he IM's me and doesnt say hey or anything just says Say "I love you, Cole" (Of course our convo's never really start out with a hey or anything anyways but yeah). So of course I say "I love you, Cole". Then Brittany IM's me and goes "LOOK AT COLE'S PROFILE". I'm thinking, oh no, prepare yourself for tears... But where it had said "Rachel is <3'd" it now says "so is Andrea" lol. I can't even being to explain how happy this made me! I mean, it sounds like haha no big deal, she gets a "So is Andrea". But not me, I was about ready to DIE of happyness. Then a few min later he says "I'm going to go to bed, I'll talk to you later" and I'm thinking ok, bye. But then he says "I love you." I was like WOW. I just could not stop smiling. I mean sure, I had been told that before, and by him to, but this time is was differnt. It wasnt an "Haha, I love you, Andrea" type thing. I was just like in shock. But anyways.. That made my night. But then my away message says I like Cole, so Sagar IM's me and goes "your gay". And I'm thinking, haha very funny.. But then he's like I won't be hanging out with you anymore, because of Cole. I'm like WHAT THE HELL! He's like my best friend.. And he wont hang out with me anymore because of freaking who I like. What ever, he will either have to deal with it, or lose a friend. I'm not going to stop liking Cole, he makes me sooo happy. I dont know, but I gotta go to bed.
I love Cole.
-Andrea Jo.
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