Nov 20, 2006 23:19
yesterday i drove nicole to work..we chilled til istarted work..she wa sin my store..sneaky sneaky...lo lfor 2 hours before it opened,lmfao...ya i did that...that's right im BAD!I'm so bad ass,lol....thne we got sushi on our break!!AWESOME!!then we chilled with curt and mike at tims and stuff got some candy and shiza...ya it was shweet.
Todaywas my day off islept i nhardcore..thne i went tothe mal lwith miek and cniole.. ibought my mom a present for christmas she will LOVE it..ultra emga love it! Then i dropped off miek at home and got mcdonalds and came home and ate it and her ei a m on msn,lol....and live journal .....heck yes i love my typos....they make it fun and exciting to read....u must gues what words i've typed.harharhar oh tired i mgoing tobed.. iget towork tomrorow yay..hahaah i want to kill myself when ithink about my job... iahte ppl and pplthat workthere,lol..ok goodnight!