Same pictures.. I just converted 'em. :D
My mom took this one because she didnt seem to like the ones Elsa and I took. :D
Yes that would be a snapple :D SNAPPLE APPLE! Elsa was drinking it actually. :D Gosh.. shes so beautiful..... :D
Isn't Elsa's hair fabulous? I THINK SO!!!!!!!!! totally. :D :D :D
Elsa seems to love resting her chin on my shoulder. lol its okay though.
We were talking to John and he was talkign about wet willies.... so there you go. She didnt actually give me one though. THANK GOD! lolz
I look naked?! Well I wasnt! That dot on my forehead is from Elsa. She stabbed me!!
This is what Elsa usually looks like.....a effing crackhead!!!! I love you baby!!!!! ;-) we are chefs you guys. its awesome.
Kits ugly ass sunglasses. omg ewwwwww
oh elsa, those earrings are the ones you gave me back in like 6th grade <33333
ewwwww! lol
oh!!! i got a haircut everyone! so my hair isnt that fugly nemores....hehe
I LOVE YOU ELSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lamour Tajours