
Feb 15, 2004 13:49

So my little sister is laying underneath the covers of her bed SCREAMIN... ha she's not mad she's just randomly happy. GREATness.

today at church i was sitting there and all the sudden i felt like i was choking so i started to cough and the whole service was going on and i was rampid with all these coughs. It wasn't funny, but then Leysis started laughing at me and then i started laughing too so i was an intresting sight. I betcha the people sitting next to us were thinking that we need prayer... Ha Love it.

anyways, i think we MIGHT go to youth group tonight but im not sure... we're new to this church and there seems to NOT be ANY youth. Ha Im so serious. But the youth pastor came up to us and was all like "oo we'd LOVE to have you and we have about 18 to 30 youth who participate" and i believe her... but on SUNday mornings I NEVER see more than 3. Wierd. Maybe they hide under the pews. Hha. That would so rock.

Okay welll Imm randomly talking so now imm out!
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