Nov 10, 2011 09:40
So it may be that I am ready to come back to livejournal to read and write some... it seems that some folks I do not see regularly and actually really want to keep in touch with (including the person who inspired me to be here in the first place) are still here- and I am feeling the need to write in the in space in between completely privately (my paper journal) and completely publicly (facebook- which I am on for work).
I had been going to write about my somewhat emerging sex drive- but all that has been trumped by my mother having a stroke on Tuesday AM. In two random moments of serendipity- I was home that night, and her speech and cognition were unimpaired- so she was able to call out to me and let me know something was amiss, and I took her to the hospital while it was still Tuesday AM.
Dr.'s won't give any recovery projections with stroke- so I suppose it is just as well that I wasn't expecting any from them. I -personally- believe that she will recover completely and will continue to do so until there is a reason to believe otherwise. The only impact of the stroke (and now I have seen what a stroke looks like on an MRI- or post stroke or whatever... anyway a picture of where it happened- really interesting) has been on her motor control. And while that means that she can not currently walk or completely feed herself (her left hand/arm is not working correctly and she does not have a right hand) which certainly feels huge enough- I truly feel that loss of speech/cognition is harder to deal with. There is someone I work with who has been dealing with multiple strokes that impact those areas and it is SUCKY and seems harder than this. My current expectation is that she will go from the hospital to a rehab center- we should hear if this is the actual plan today or tomorrow. Can I just say I am truly over spending time in hospitals- truly.
Anyway- work is calling- but I wanted to be back here a bit and let folks who may have met her know in case they missed the incredible randomness of facebook updates (I was hoping her sister might see it there- didn't work, I am going to have to actually call...)