Sep 24, 2009 11:54
I know this is short notice- but I believe I could use more staff this weekend at Folsom St. Fair in the Dark Garden booth. Let me know if you are interested- or if you know anyone who is. It seems to be a good time for lively new event staff- but I am not casting the net out to the entire world (for instance I am not putting this out on facebook- and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't either). Also I am not sure that I am up for anyone more than 2 degrees of separation from me with this short of notice. Shifts are 4-5 hours long and there is some trade involved.
Also happily accepted are offers of assistance with set up and tear down. Set up begins at 8:15 ish, tear down begins promptly at 6. The booth is again between 8th and 9th on Folsom.
And of course if you just want to come by to say HI! I will be there this year but only in the morning, so come by before noon. It would be the perfect time to see my external fixater if you haven't yet.