about how I love my fucking life

Mar 08, 2008 16:16

Only half way through the weekend, and it's already been spectacular. I love when this happens.

So, yesterday was Senior Skip Day. Apparently half of the class participated, which is cool. I stayed home to bake cupcakes for the show. 108 cupcakes. Yes. They were beautiful and are now being devoured by Tim, sp, and Andy, which is convenient, because I certainly do not have room for 80 cupcakes anywhere in my house.

So, I got picked up by Riley and Shauna around three, and we loaded up the car with 100 "RIP TPM" cupcakes, a Brink! cake, and Andrea. En route to Anna's, we had a lovely conversation about the "Sex in the Bathroom" scandal. It's really depressing that nobody knows anything about it. But, anywho, we got to AnnaFLASH's house, helped her with the last of her cuppycakes, and headed to Pocasset.

People are generally nice to me at shows, mostly due to the fact that I stick out like a sore thumb in my brightly-colored dresses, carrying Brink! cake. But people are especially nice when they want free cupcakes. So I made lots of new friends last night. Woo.

So, the line-up was On Our Way, Brink!, A Loss for Words, Brookside, EightySix, and The Passing Moment (holy shit).  I decided last night that I like On Our Way, mostly because their singer is a girl, and she has cool hair, and she can sing like a motherwhaa. And the Brink! set was exciting, mostly because three-fifths of the band was in short-shorts and basketball jerseys. Somehow I missed Dan falling on his ass, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Someday they will learn to tune to one another. Sigh. A Loss for Words was incredible, but I could be biased because we got a cupcake shout-out. Brookside was alright, although I'm pretty sure most of them are old enough to be my uncle, if not my dad.

Side note: Riley was in the middle of the freaking Mosh Pit. (That's what I'm calling it, Dan. Get over it.) He's comes up to me afterwards, and was like, "Kayla, did you know they all jump to the beat of the music? And I was smiling, like, 'Yay, I'm having such a good time.' But you're not allowed to smile. It's very serious." I couldn't stop laughing. Thank you, Uncle Ri-Ri.

SO, EightySix went on, and I died. I love EightySix. And their singer is a babe. And they are fun and amazing and I love them. And then TPM went on, without the epic PA intro because "dude, Jeff sucks." But they were absolutely INSANE. I went up front with Shauna, Cara, and Erika and jumped around like a re-re. And I have two giant bruises on my feet from being landed on by psychotics. But its understandable. Had I known any words to any songs, I feel like I would have reacted similarly. They were seriously so good. My only regret is that last night was both my first and last time seeing them. I propose a reunion tour in leiu of an uber-successful reunion show. Please?

So Tim made a killing. Anna and I did okay, although we really should have charged a dollar per cupcake. (Thanks, Spencer.)  And I came home with two lovely t-shirts and a pocketful of memories to add to my slowly growing collection of fun shows.

Shauna - Hope you're hangover cures your cough or vice-versa. LOVE YOU! :]
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