Nov 13, 2003 16:44
I agree, The Call thingie was an Awesome Worship Experience (AWE haha).... I definitely think that we need to do something like that weekly,even daily, like the lady ashley byrd conversed with said we would.
The Lord is ready for something to happen here...he's given us too many leaders and too many people hungry to worship him. If there is going to be breakthrough, going to be a revolution, it has to start with us. If we bring other people from the school into it who don't share our same vision things will get skewed. That happens too much here....too many visions and no follow through. I am getting sick of things getting beaten into the ground so much that God never gets a chance to show up. I got something in the mail today that is called a world prayer map. It talks about taking neighborhood prayer walks and gives a plan to pray for every country in the world throughout the period of 31 days. We talked a little about doing prayer walks last night and this kind of reinforced it for me. I think I will from now on. If any want to are welcome. Love you guys....
On another note my knee feels really cool where I did something to it lifting up cars over my head this afternoon ( i mean playign flag football). Ask ann, she caressed it while ago. Its so boring during choir...I get so lonely :(