Jul 26, 2004 01:43
Today was a good day not much different than usual but none the less it was a good day. I slept till about 1:30 or something which was nice because i need the damn sleep. Debs called and I took a shower and went and met up with her to hang out. One of my best friends Ryan came back from vacation and we hung out most of the day. It was pretty nice hanging out with him again... Anyways we didn't do much me and ryan went swimming in my pool for like 20 minutes because it was so damn cold. Debs told us we shouldn't get in but of course we didn't listen and well all i have to say is "next time i'll listen". After that ryan left for a bit so he could go eat and me and debs layed around at my house. It's so fuckin nice to be able to just lay with her and enjoy every minute of it. I couldn't careless what we are doing as long as i'm with her i'm happier then SHIT! did i just say shit?.....That reminds me after ryan got done eating me, ryan, debs and andy went up to k-mart. We tagged the shit out of this dumpster and then me and andy tagged the windows on this van in the parking lot. It was pretty cool and i bet that person was bitchin up a storm when they came out to their car and noticed that it was tagged all over. poor person... After k-mart we were walking home and a couple streets over from my house me and this unknown friend of mine had this idea to take the sewer top of the sewer and so we did but as we did my unknown friend thought he was god or something and thought he could walk right over the sewer hole. He ended up falling all the way in the sewer, i was in shock i dropped the sewer top and immediately tried to pull him out of the sewer it took me and 2 other people to pull him out. I was afraid at first because i thought that he was going to keep falling like nothing was going to stop him and he was going to drown in shit...i mean sewer water. lol Anyways we were walking back to my house and we were cracking all these shit jokes it was funny as hell. Then we get back to my house and my unknown friend was looking at his pant legs that were soaked and he was like "Crap!" and all of us started cracking up by far this is the moment of the summer. Nothing better then that. Oh yeah we ran into brandon after awhile him and his dad had stopped by anthony's and brandon came out to talk. It was real nice talking to him in person again we just stood around and joked about chicago and shit like that it was fun. I'm hopefully going to his bonfire he is going to have. It'll be nice to hang out with him again. After all that me and debs went back to my house and we layed around again...that was nice..very nice! Great! excellant! Super! Awesome! Fun! yea ya yeah you get the idea. Well i'm off to bed i'm tired as hell. take it easy!
Her love is like crack!....crack. I'm addicted!