i don't know.... i hate trying to think up cute little subjects so i'm not gonna anymore!

Nov 13, 2004 16:36

i just went through my photobucket account, deleting pictures i really didn't want to have..... i have alot of pictures on there lol but it's good to know they're on there because they're probably not on my laptop anymore. i still need to get that stupid thing fixed. i miss having windows xp. using windows 98 is odd. i don't remeber how to find everything and fix everything lol

the show lastnight was really good! my sister didn't want to go with me so i got her to drop me off at roly poly [where jake works] at 8:20... so i got to sit there until 9 when the store closes then jake and i went to cave 9. we got there just in time! the band before thisdaywillburn was up and we came in only to hear like 2 of their songs... then... weeee thisdaywillburn! i was a show for a dvd so it was absolutly insane [well... it usually is insane anyway] the poor camera guy ended up with a busted lip and i'm sure many other bumps and bruises. he was alot smaller than most of the people who were arround him so there were quite a few times when he disappeared. he never let go of the camera though!
it had been way too long since i had seen them... well since their cd release show at zydeco.
i made sure i got myself a hoodie. they're so pretty and warm!

I found out that my breaks are only going to be $20 a piece... and i can get them put on for free... i only need the front ones done so as soon as i can save up $40 [haha it's going to take me forever!] i will be getting those done. i'm going to get the guy to check the timing on it because i think it's off really bad... i want to make sure it's running well enough for me to drive it in december. i don't want to be off by myself and it just quit on me. it's usually fine until you try to stop though. it likes to cut off at stop lights lol but it cranks back up and is just fine for a while but i don't want it to be stalling on me while i'm driving it. 21 days until i'm 19 and 23 days until i can get my drivers license! it's really sad that i'm going to be 19 before i get my drivers license but oh well... that's what stupidity does!

my mom told me i didn't have to pay them any more mony [except insurance] until after christmas which makes things a whole lot easier on me! i need to get another job... and then quit the one i have now. i really don't want to quit babysitting because i kind of enjoy it sometimes and it's pretty easy money but if i get another job i really don't think i will be able to keep doing that one... unless i can go from babysitting until 3 to working somewhere else at 5....... i really want to work at books & co. but i don't think they will hire me.... they might... eh i don't know. i'm going to apply there anyway. i really want to work at some book store.
i found out that real estate school/classes [whatever it's called] only lasts 2 - 3 weeks... but it costs $1,800 [or $18,000 .......... i don't remeber! lol] but according to my sister i can get a pelegrant to pay for it. i need to hurry up and get my G.E.D. first though! as soon as i can freaking drive i'm going to go to classes and get all studied up and ready for it... once i get that over with i can take all of the classes that i have been wanting to take. i think going into real estate will be pretty cool for me...

my goal for the next year is to get my G.E.D., goto real estate school, move out on my own, and get another car... i want a used Lexus IS300 ........ they're so pretty!

-sigh- i guess i need to go get in the shower... i've been putting it off all day... poopy!
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