Oct 03, 2005 21:00
why are certain things so difficult it blows my mind.
some people say its games some people call it other names
but fuck, why? i really dont understand.
being straight forward has so many rewards. keeping secretes and playing games
its just tiring and boring now it happens all the time.
and then its been happening in alot of other friends lives.
the only thing to do is play the games cause of being to scared to face things
or because of other conflicts.
maybe this is a thing that i have to deal with my whole life
maybe it isnt i hope its not but i guess ill have to see
i feel like for myself i want to be open with people and to make life less complicated
maybe im just less scared about my feelings hopefully thats a good thing.
i dont know anything im just making observations
what im writing probably isnt even coming out clear
but i dont care it probably wont make a difference any ways
i still know how i feel