Medusa Dreads, in the works!

Oct 02, 2008 17:50

The bendy, plastic snakeities have been purchased. The costume will be made of greenish-black fabric. Finding an inexpensive (used?) black, green or gray corset is altogether ANOTHER problem!

BUT... I pose the question to all of you artsy ladies: WHO on the internet sells the fairest green & olive-toned KK hair in all the (United States) land?!?!?!?!

I've never purchased hair online. Paypal is a mystery to me, so I'd prefer a "regular" credit card purchase. It'd just be enough for ONE set of falls, so I won't be getting a huge quantity.

I will be mixing with black hair, which I already own. Ooooooh... maybe I'll even try some curlies?!

I'm psyched! Advice? THANKSSssssSSssSsssssss!!
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