(1) Add me BEFORE you comment. Otherwise, you may forget to add me. And when I see "Hey! I added you. Add me back?" and you didn't really add me, that's really annoying. And I WON'T add you back.
(2) You must comment every once in a while. What's the point of letting someone be on your friends list to read your journal if they don't even comment. If you don't comment, then how am I supposed to know you actually read it? Exactly. I won't.
(3) You have the right to bitch disagree with something I say. However, don't hate me for my opinions. I won't hate you for yours.
(4) Feel free to talk to me on AIM: (( h8rsGOAWAY )). It's not a must, but if you ever need to talk about anything feel free to I.M. me. I'm a good listener and pretty good at giving advice =)