(no subject)

Sep 24, 2005 15:18

ok so me and chase ben goin out for like.....4 days and yea...so .....ahhh the parade....i was like raelly loud..actually we all were....then i saw chase....yea and then everyone was like all tryin to get us to kiss and hug all the time and hold hands and crap....and then .....the football game....kevin was there and katie told him that i had a bf and he was all sad and i like felt bad so i told him sorry but he was still mad...then i found out he did like me....ugh......i hate when this happens ...but i like chase soooooooo much better......yea........and my brother wants me to go up to iga to see the gurl he likes.....its so my brother top do that...he likes her alot....oh well... this is all i feel like writing........

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