I'm badder-assed than you.

May 21, 2006 20:32

High Heel Walking Skill Failure Table
Failure by 1: Movement is inelegant, clumsy and "uncool". Modifies Sex Appeal rolls by -2. This might still be outweighed by other Sex Appeal modifiers.
Failure by 2: As above plus stumbling. Move is now reduced by 4. Make a DX roll or fall down.
Failure by 3: Broken shoe heel or otherwise damaged shoe. Move with uneven heels is at -4. If the other heel is not taken of, all further high heel walking skill rolls are at -2.
Failure by 4: Mildly sprained ankle. 1 HP damage to one foot (location 15,16). The affected leg hurts badly and is temporarily to be treated as crippled (p. B29) for 2d days.
Failure by 5+: Severely sprained ankle. 2 HP damage to one foot (location 15,16). The affected leg hurts badly and is temporarily to be treated as crippled (p. B29) for 3d days. Make a HT+2 roll to avoid a permanently crippled leg.
Critical failure: Badly injured ankle. Audible snapping of tendons and/or breaking of bones. HT/3 damage to one foot (location 15,16). The affected leg hurts badly and cannot be used for at least some time. Treat as lame [one leg] (p. B29) for 2d weeks. After that time make HT roll to avoid a permanently crippled leg (treat as lame [crippled leg]).
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