sanctuary -- new one-shot!

Nov 10, 2005 22:53

Well, I did promise you all I'd post here when I uploaded something new.

(Yeah, and I know you'd all be absolutely CRUSHED if I fell through on that one.)

So, I have!

Title: Sanctuary
Genre: One-shot. I don't know how to categorize it, so I'm just going to stick with 'general'.
Rating: Eh. G, PG, nothing spicy.
Words: About 1,500, including the author's notes.
Summary: Possibly the one thing James misses most about his parents is the ability to crawl into their bed when he's had a nightmare. With the war raging and life becoming an increasingly dreary affair, he longs for that small safe place.
Excerpt: He finds himself wishing he still had that nook to crawl into, a warm, reassuring recess somewhere in the world, where good was all-encompassing and evil was nothing more than a myth, a nightmare. It would be, he thinks, much more useful nowadays. As he stands there, staring down at the perfectly smoothed sheets, he wishes desperately and unapologetically that he was four again, terrified by nothing more than an inexistent worry, a figment of his imagination.

(a fake lj cut?! what madness.)

So.. yes. Feedback is love.


lily evans, fic, remus lupin, sirius black, james potter

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