you know i have impeccable taste

Feb 01, 2009 18:52

In a fit of madness and possibly awesomeness, inksplotched, likeserendipity and I present:

atasteof! A Taste of Everything, a Multi-Fandom Recs Community.

A Taste of Everything will feature recs from a variety of fandoms with a variety of pairings and genres -- emphasis on (you guessed it) variety. Right now we're a team of three -- inksplotched will be reccing for Harry Potter, likeserendipity's in charge ( Read more... )

fanfic, harry potter, twilight is so damn funny, doctor who

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hysteriagalore February 2 2009, 01:21:15 UTC
Say, I've got a friend who's way into Merlin-fic and who might just be perfect for this. I'm gonna pimp it to her just for the hell of it.


_thirty2flavors February 2 2009, 01:22:34 UTC

I've never seen Merlin but I know it's ~the new thing~, so.


hysteriagalore February 2 2009, 01:35:28 UTC
From what I've gathered it's pro-"boy on boy" and one of the actresses looks like Kiera Knightley?!

IDK MAN but suddensmiles has impeccable taste and is freakishly intelligent so I trust her judgement. It makes me look good. :D


_thirty2flavors February 2 2009, 01:39:23 UTC
LOL PRETTY MUCH WHAT I KNOW, TOO. Except I haven't noticed Keira Knightley. My knowledge boils down to "LOL kid from Midnight!" and I just imagine it kind of like ... Hogwarts. rofl

Oh sure if she's interested she can pop on over 'n fill out our little.. thingy (which is mostly just to make sure she's not going to rec like... script-style songfic.)


hysteriagalore February 2 2009, 09:28:15 UTC
Hahaa oh I can now add "In the land of studio magical England: Dragons are father figures, Giles wears a crown and Gwen sings opera" to my pseudo-knowledge of Merlin. AWESOME.

I told her to check it out if she has the time :)


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