the season finale many years in the making

May 12, 2015 21:11

I don't post much on LJ anymore but some moments feel like they ought to be memorialized here, since they sort of started~ here. Like this one:

goldy_dollar and I went to the Wizard World Philadelphia con to see David Tennant and Billie Piper, which was completely surreal. That part is all a bit of a blur tbh -- for one brief moment in time David Tennant and I were touching each other which is truly the important thing lmao.

Adding to the surreality was that joining us to the con was bazat89 -- FINALLY after all this time I have seen Liz in the flesh! It was awesome and generally too brief. bluetooth16 was there too! I've met a lot of internet friends over the years but the combo of Liz + Amanda + David + Billie was something else.

I ALSO got stopped by someone named Claire who said she had read my LJ and my fic, which was awesome -- hi Claire!!!

billie piper's tears are my kryptonite, david tennant is pretty okay i guess, multiple france, liz and kali metacrisis, doctor who

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