they'll make a statue of us

Mar 23, 2008 19:06

So yesterday/today I applied to & joined ontd_twilight, clearly indicating that I am megalame. OR MEGA AWESOME? No probably megalame. Anyway thusfar they seem to be hilarious. And I'm pretty excited because I've always wanted to ruin a fandom.

In other news, happy Easter, guys. I don't really celebrate Easter beyond "ooo chocolate bunnies" but ... y'know. Enjoy.

- Reply to this post, and I will pick four/five/six of your icons.
- Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
- Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
- This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

Here's that icon meme, as chosen by inksplotched and mybabyangel:

- I feel as though this speaks for itself. I cannot be part of the Twilight fandom without mocking it mercilessly, and I needed an icon that would allow me to do so, and bluebellflames pulled through. YAY JULI. Also, it's massively true. Dude speaks like a shitty Valentine's card.

- Basically buttfacemakani is amazing, as I am sure everyone in the universe will agree, plus I love Lily/James and unrequited!Severus and basically it's just the greatest image I've ever seen. That and Lily's bubble sys "LOL LOL JERKS" and though now I think it probably is her calling them jerks while laughing, I first interpreted it like "LOL I <3 JERKS" which I think is a very accurate and hilarious statement, given her choice in men.

- I hate Chuck Norris jokes, but I sure do love Chuck Norris style jokes when referring to someone who is not Chuck Norris. Like "Bill Nye can split atoms with his bare hands!" and ...well, the quote seen here. Plus it matches the amazing facebook group I'm in. There were like ninety of these that I loved, including "Neville Longbottom uses the Mirror of Erised to comb his hair."

- I found a post of Simpsons quote icons and saved like nine thousand. I'm using this one for the time being because it helps me make fun of Twilight. ...And eskimos.

- Another result of bluebellflames' awesome icon requests. I love this one because it combines my love for Scrubs and Dr Cox/Kelso with an awesomely useful icon for times when peopel are bastards. Which is often.

- Because it is amazing.

IN OTHER NEWS, everyone who is anyone NEEDS TO GO WATCH this AMAZING episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark? on youtube. Shit, I loved that show hardcore when I was young and am super-stoked to find out that episodes are on youtube. But you all need to watch THIS ONE because there is NOTHING FUNNIER than a 90s show about computers. Tru fax. EVIL TAMOGACHIS :O

I have just decided I will finish my redandthewolf entry tonight. I must, I must, I must (improve my bust?)

And I'm stupid so I posted at this honesty meme so... yeah, do it if you like. Whatevs.

fanfic, life the universe and everything, twilight is so damn funny, meme

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