it's season finale... season!

May 11, 2012 13:24

[There was really only one thread of interest for me on The Office...]which was of course whether or not Catherine Tate would be staying for the next season and if I would then have to keep watching. And it looks like the answer is yes?? I was excited but also conflicted because lol this show is a travesty now. BUT CATHERINE TATE ON MY TV MORE? HOW CAN I TURN THAT DOWN? Plus she recited Shakespeare. So I guess overall I am pretty excited for moar Nellie, either as a regular or a recurring guest star I can't tell, even though that means I am doomed to watch The Office forever. As for everything else in this finale, "lol the fuck?" covers it. I'm not sad to see the dumb Sabre plot go. The Dwangela-Oscar/Senator plotline is embarassing. I think the only genuine laugh the episode got out of me was actually this:

Because lol, fucking Gabe. Gabe is to me as Toby is to Michael. NBC, please give this show a final 9th season and put it out of its misery.

[I watched P&R on Tuesday, thanks Canada.]It was a decent episode overall. I'm glad Leslie won. The Ben/Leslie drama was predictable and meh to me. But if I'm honest I as disappointed in most of s4. I think the election plotline really just didn't do it for me. I found it frustrating to watch, and not in a fun way. If I wanted real electoral fuckery I could just turn on the news, I guess. And yeah, they got in some good political satire, but other episodes relied on characters being cartoonishly stupid, and not just Andy Dwyer. Plus, Tom/Ann is the fucking worst. So I dunno. I didn't hate the season but I did think overall it was not as good as it could've been.

Andy wanting to move to Winterfell or any place listed in that song by the Beach Boys was pretty funny though. I love the casual visual gags in this show.

P&R and The Office are the two NBC comedies that have yet to be renewed. I'm sure The Office will get at least a 9th season, hopefully as a final season. P&R I am confident about as well. Rumours point to a shortened season for P&R, but... I can't hate, because s3 was far and away their pinnacle and it was a shortened season. So maybe a shortened season would be good for the show. I just hope it's not a final season, because I think if The Office can drag itself into s9 like a beached whale, P&R deserves to make at least s6. (SIX SEASONS AND A MOVIE?)

Which brings me to COMMUNITY BEING PICKED UP FOR (AT LEAST) 13 EPISODES YESSSSSSSSS. Some people are calling this a "soft cancellation" or whatever, but tbqh I am just happy to have an s4 at all, whether it's a full season or not. And like I said for P&R, maybe the potential for 13 excellent episodes outweighs the potential for ... 13 excellent episodes and 9 episodes of filler. So IDK EITHER WAY. #FOURSEASONSANDAGRADUATION? God bless your inability to pick up any pilots that have any success, NBC.

[Community's finale is next week when I am in London WHYYYY.]This episode was hit and miss for me. It started off weak IMO, but I really liked it once it turned into the psychological thriller/gotcha movie, a la Shutter Island. That whole sequence was hilarious ("I WANNA SEE WHAT HAPPENS IF I TAKE ONE OF THEIR PENS") and so was the eventual deconstruction of that kind of twist as BS. SPEAKING OF, does anyone know what episodes Britta and Annie are doing in this gif?

Lastly in TV news, Mindy Kaling's pilot got picked up for a full season order over on Fox! I want it to be good so badly, though I won't be totally surprised if it's not. However, from the thing I saw, the starring cast (so excluding the guest stars like Ed Helms etc) was two men and four women, counting Mindy. Literally twice the number of women? UNHEARD OF WITCHCRAFT. I mean it'll depend on what the show is like etc, the actresses could be comparatively minor compared to the male roles, but that is a pretty rare unicorn, even for female-lead shows.

I was gonna write about something else but this post is already huge.

community, hrh catherine tate, the office, parks & rec

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