It's been a while since TOTAL DOCTOR WHO POST wooooo

Jan 24, 2012 17:11

SO there's a trailer out for that Doctor Who videogame:

image Click to view

As Doctor Who videogames go it looks reasonably well done. If I had any of the platforms (and was more interested in the characters) I'd probably want to check it out. Shit, the iPhone game gave me hours of amusement, plus it's neat that they got Matt Smith and Alex Kingston to do the voices.

BUT UGH ROLLING MY EYES SO HARD @ River being dressed in that catsuit she wore once. Because it's not a real videogame unless the female lead is appropriately sexy in a catsuit and has cleavage, amirite.

I also have a fic rec!

still like to go for a train ride ('cause i've got a thing about trains) by cereal
R for sex (I'd probably say PG-13), Ten2/Rose, ~4k words
The Doctor and Rose investigate an alien threat. On a train. 'Clom' is what the Doctor would call a gimme. Probably in every other bowl, even. The holy grail of cereal words -- Raxacoricofallapatorius -- has eluded him thus far, which is just as well, because Rose has promised him a shag on the Manchester United pitch if he pulls it off.

Read it because: Adorable, funny and in-character alien-adventure-fic for Cloen and Rose is becoming an endangered species and this is such a fun one! Simple and fluffy but in-character and funny enough to be engaging. This is how I like to imagine them when I'm not writing fic to ruin their lives.

Lastly, in honour of the beautiful fanart in my previous post, I finally got around to compiling a poll I've been meaning to do for ages: a poll about Doctor Who comic artists' continuing struggle to draw David Tennant.


Okay, that last one was partly just because LOLLLLL.

What's truly sad is how many images I skipped over, not because they were well drawn, but because, compared to these, they seemed semi-competent. I'm also quite sure there are many good examples out there that I missed while perusing Google Images. Please share them if you have 'em.

Oh, and it seems one of the solo Ten comics starts with this panel:




i have impeccable taste, ask the audience, doctor who

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