(another) new collaboration! - a standing inferiority complex

Feb 06, 2008 21:29

You guys are probably like "wtf Kali stfu with these letter projects" but um sry letter_project is amazing because Dorea/Charlus is amazing and so is latine, and I have to pimp this one because piratesmile_x is doing all of the actual work, you know, hosting it and such.

Title: A Standing Inferiority Complex
Authors: _thirty2flavors (Victoire) and piratesmile_x (Teddy)
Characters/Pairings: Victoire/Teddy, plus mention of .... everyone, ever.
Rating: Eh, PG-13 so far.
Summary: In which Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley maneuver their way through N.E.W.T.s, ill-advised memory charms, anecdotes, and some truly atrocious French.
Excerpt: I half-expected to get to Hogwarts and have life suddenly turn into some dramatic affair full of dragons and chase scenes and heroic rescues. Maman didn't even go to Hogwarts and she was still a Triwizard Champion. It's not right. The Weasley-Potter clan is one full of inferiority complexes.

In other news, I've already written about 2 and a half pages of my redandthewolf Slings and Arrows challenge. Just need to finish. It is kind of just pointless fluff but... ...oh well. I have to ease myself back into the pairing, I guess, lirl.

I've also got this half-compiled fan-mix sitting here that I guess I might as well finish compiling. By that I mean all the files are on my old dinosaur of a computer and unless I want to sift through my iPod to get them off, I'll have to turn on that thing. It is Lily/James because they are hotties :| Also, this is the first fan-mix I've ever considered doing, and it is a weird experience. I feel like every day I get progressively dorkier.

I do need to work more on Silly Love Songs. Why is it that I can only write when there are looming deadlines? As soon as I finish my work and I think "oh, now I can work on ___", I suddenly lose all desire to work on ___.

Also, hey to all the kids I've added through that giant friending meme! Lol, friend memes are always so pathetic because no one ever replies to be my friend, I have to force them all into it. BAHAHAH.

Shit son, check out the tags on this entry. lirl

ETA -- LIRL! I noticed this a long time ago and for some reason it just occured to me to mention it here. A while ago I was searching Facebook for the UR group that I am too ashamed to join, lest kids from school realize what a loser I truly am and I found the group Comprehensive List of The Best Harry Potter Fanfiction, which apparently includes some stuff by me, First Draft by koonelli and A Keen Observer by callmepatsy.


a standing inferiority complex, fic, victoire weasley, lily evans, teddy lupin, silly love songs, meme, teddy/victoire, james potter, letter project, lily/james

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