still an awkward tagline though

Nov 15, 2011 22:12

So this exists. Yes I am delayed w/e I never claimed to be a Hunger Games stan plus I know there are some of you who aren't either and probably haven't seen it yet, plus I haven't seen anyone talk about it:

image Click to view

I'm ...kind of impressed? My ~unpopular opinion~ about this franchise (other than not being a huge fan) is that I actually think if it was done well a movie adaptation could be much better than the book. I think Collins had some interesting ideas, but she's a screenwriter and you can tell because her prose is... not... the best. If they can take the better ideas and themes and moments and translate them into something that isn't narrated in present-tense sentence fragments, it could be good. Trailers can easily be better than the actual whole they're selling (LOOKING @ U, SERIES 6) so this movie could easily be a hot mess still, but consider me tentatively intrigued.

books: best weapons in the world, youtube is a magical place

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