turtle_goose asked for my top 5 ways to fix series 6. "CHANGE EVERYTHING" didn't seem like a good answer, so I tried to work within the constraints of the basic plot outline of this season. Obviously this is really a top 5 ways to tweak series 6 to my liking.
Top 5 Ways I Would Fix Series 6. )
But we've had two seasons of the constant refrain that "time can be rewritten". We've seen a precedent for this, both in A Christmas Carol and The Girl Who Waited. The Doctor does what he thinks is right even when the decisions aren't always his to make. Rewriting River could be very dark (again! Point 5!) and very emotional and would be payoff for those other times we've heard that "time can be rewritten".
The storyline would have been VASTLY more interesting to me if the crux of the season had been a conflict between the Ponds and the Doctor over the right thing to do. Amy and Rory could've argued their point, because they want their child back and while they like River, their infant child should be more important to them -- and why would they want their daughter to have a terrible, traumatic upbringing?Why are you not the showrunner ( ... )
(although tbh, I don't have a ton of followers, so unless people are bored and checking tags, idk how many people will see or care)
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